i have posted photos from this wind power plant before but here is another one as we move along the south coast towards the city of Albany...
the wind farm is situated south west from the city site and while the mills are not natural wonder, they do often seem to me to work in perfect synergy with the surroundings... sure they are not the most aesthetically looking things but they are very quiet and help us to move towards natural sources of energy...
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great view, i saw a field like this in Europe, great impression
7 Feb 2009 12:12pm
People have had to adjust their perceptions of every man-made introduction to the scene. My hunch is that the first windmills were not seen as the works of beauty they have become for us. I don't see these beauties creating any smog! Nice composition.
7 Feb 2009 3:06pm
Nice shot I belive our country is going to start with these soon !!
7 Feb 2009 3:09pm
Here in the UK there are a lot of objections on aesthetic grounds. I have never understood this myself and this picture underlines my mystification
7 Feb 2009 4:58pm
I really like the contrast of the stark whiteness and geometric shapes of the windmills against the sinuous shoreline and organic foreground.
7 Feb 2009 6:36pm
although they're not natural, there's a peacefulness in their look, like they are some sort of saving grace.....great shot!!
7 Feb 2009 9:38pm
They are so big and majestic. We have none in our area of the US so it is fun to see them through your photos.
7 Feb 2009 10:37pm
En Bretagtne aussi nous avons beaucoup d'éoliennes. Maintenant, il y a aussi des éoliennes sous-marines.
8 Feb 2009 8:27am
Une très bonne compo de ce champs spécial.... bravo et bon dimanche.
8 Feb 2009 4:44pm
J'aime ces faiseurs d'électricité sur ces belles couleurs
8 Feb 2009 6:56pm
Pity there is not more of these around... great shot...
8 Feb 2009 8:59pm
a beautiful shot like this makes it look lovely, but not sure if i would like on in my backyard
8 Feb 2009 11:16pm
Thats quite a sight, we have similar 'farms' here, on the coasts mainly, I like them.
9 Feb 2009 12:25am
The composition of this shot is too good! I really liked the multitude of colors seen..
9 Feb 2009 2:36am
Gorgeous ! Although somewhat ruin the landscape, at least not pollute the environment !
Excellent image.
9 Feb 2009 5:10am
I really like this one : the light, the composition, and the wind power plants… Even the sea color is beautiful
9 Feb 2009 3:30pm
Les géants avaleurs de vent battent la mesure du temps ...
9 Feb 2009 4:23pm
Wonderful. It really is nice to see power gotten from this source. Great perspective.
10 Feb 2009 2:28am
I find them strangely beautiful. I've seen "installation art" that is nowhere near as beautiful and graceful as these. I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder.
10 Feb 2009 3:14am
Can't help feeling how out of place these things look wherever they are but, needs must . . for the present.
10 Feb 2009 3:22am
I think they are beautiful too. They are playful, like a kids windmill.
10 Feb 2009 4:56am
I think there's a certain beauty in wind farms. I like your composition and that beach in the background looks gorgeous.
10 Feb 2009 6:10am
What a great shot, some people are opposed to wind farms but I rather like them and you've shown that they can be beautiful.
10 Feb 2009 7:52am
They actually enhance the landscape which would otherwise be less featureless. Again, lovely colours and a superb composition
10 Feb 2009 9:54am
An absolute corker, Dark Elf. Stunning on all levels
10 Feb 2009 12:28pm
i have always wished to photograph something like these. now i know were to find them, it remains on the other hand the problem of getting there :) . amazing feeling you gave us with this photo of yours. congrats
10 Feb 2009 1:01pm
wow.. what a stunning image. the green, blue and white colours complement each other very nicely in this shot!
10 Feb 2009 1:44pm
Even with these mills, this scecne is fantastic! The colors , everything you captured speaks to us that wind energy is the way to go.
12 Feb 2009 10:55am
Beautiful image and I love the clarity and composition!
13 Feb 2009 7:04am
a big step to clean energy system, but these things are messing up our mountains, visualy speeking of course, a small price to pay.
15 Feb 2009 3:10pm
compared with the bush in the foreground of the picture, the mills look like giants. Beautiful composition.
15 Feb 2009 6:47pm
Those wind mills are quite photogenic in that landscape. Beautiful picture.
27 Feb 2009 6:08am
They're building these like crazy around here. Not so quiet if you live around them is my understanding. I've heard you can feel the overpressure as they rotate (whoop, whoop, whoop --enough to give people headaches), and they're also very disorienting if they're located between your house and the sun on an east-west axis (stroboscopic effect). I think there are more of these connected to the grid now in Texas than anywhere else in the world, but they're mostly out in the west part of the state, far away from where I live.
28 Mar 2009 9:59pm
Amazing shots! This Wind turbines remind me of Ilocos Norte in the Philippines.
23 Sep 2009 8:46am
What a nightmare in such a beautiful area...Lies for making dirty money...
24 Nov 2012 5:40pm