this photo was taken on my trip to Tasmania in November 2008... Tasmania is a beautiful place with a lot of different and very varied landscapes, from rainforest to rugged mountains to amazing coastlines ...
this photo shows the Horseshoe Falls in Mt Field National Park... i really enjoyed my time there... these falls are located about 150m behind the giant Russell Falls and i think the main tourist attention stays on them so it was easy to get there by myself and have a bit of time to take a photo or two while enjoying a bit of solitude and listening to the sounds of the forest...
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Nice shot, once again, the fall of the river in the rocks. Beautiful color every time.
1 Mar 2009 8:40am
great view, like the water and everything green around
1 Mar 2009 11:54am
Tasmania must really be a savage place... almost untouched... but for how many times...
1 Mar 2009 11:55am
Sure does look warm, especially to the cold we are having. I like the slower shutter speed on waterfalls and the green colors. Well done!
1 Mar 2009 12:22pm
Vraiment c'est une très belle photographie !
Bravo ;D
1 Mar 2009 12:33pm
you found a wonderful spot for yourself, and got a wonderful photo!!
1 Mar 2009 3:09pm
superbe filé !!! excellent !! hyper bien géré..
1 Mar 2009 3:20pm
This has a magic kingdom feeling to it . . the colors and composition are such a delight. If I were try describe the 'perfect setting', this would be it.
1 Mar 2009 3:57pm
Nice long exposure, like something outa Jurassic Park
1 Mar 2009 8:00pm
Beautiful shot, and the long exposure, creates a tranquil setting
1 Mar 2009 8:21pm
Wonderful scene; love the exuberant vegetation and the vivid greens.
1 Mar 2009 10:45pm
I love small water falls like that. Gorgeous. And you nailed the shot perfectly.
1 Mar 2009 11:02pm
beautiful photo love the colors and I was wondering if you used a filter to get the effect of the water
2 Mar 2009 4:30am
@Double KK Photography: hello and thanks for visiting by blog :-) at the moment i always carry three filters with me, the polarizer, 2 stop ND and 3 stop ND - for this shot i am pretty sure i had only the polarizer on - it was darkish already and the polarizing filter allowed for the 2 sec exposure and also cut our reflections from the water and wet rock...
Zamienię zimę na kawałek lata. Nogi pomoczę w ciepłej wodzie.
W sobotę obsunąłem się do strumyka z zimną wodą i łaziłem chlupocząc ponad godzinę w śniegu i mrozie . Dla zdrowotności i sztuki ma się rozumieć :)
2 Mar 2009 11:26am
Beautiful, Beautiful capture!! Love the lush plants and silky waterfall!
2 Mar 2009 11:57am
another beautiful shot! You are so fortuntate to see all these amazing places! I wished I could too! :)
2 Mar 2009 12:35pm
It really looks like a wonderful green place. Beautiful shot.
2 Mar 2009 2:37pm
It was a great idea that you used long exposure time.
Clear and nice photo of this amazing place.
2 Mar 2009 10:24pm
This should be in a travel magazine, such a brilliant shot, beautifully composed, and such clear detail
3 Mar 2009 12:42am
This looks directly off the tourist guide to Tasmania..Kudos!
3 Mar 2009 2:57am
I just love time exposures and waterfalls, or rapids. Great shot.
3 Mar 2009 4:06am
Absolutely beautiful - I love the exposure time with the smooth water - these are my favorites! Awesome photograph and beautiful composition!
3 Mar 2009 5:16am
Quel havre de paix !!! on peut sentir cette fraîcheur saine !!! un bien bel endroit !
3 Mar 2009 7:23am
Great photo with a very fine composition that gives a good depth, fine colors and above all, a delightful waterfall!
Great work!
3 Mar 2009 9:02am
the place is beautiful, and you wonderfully took it.
Very well composed, good colors.
A really great shot.
I wish I could be there...
3 Mar 2009 12:39pm
una estampa preciosa, muy bonita foto.enhorabuena
3 Mar 2009 2:51pm
Beautifully neat shot, love all the greens!
3 Mar 2009 5:05pm
Some Australians I know said Tasmania is beautiful. You have presented the photographic proof of that claim. It is so lush. Love that slow shutter speed.
3 Mar 2009 7:05pm
I like this one because of the moss on the stones…
3 Mar 2009 9:14pm
This place seems so beautiful and serene. You would have had a good time there I guess. Nice shot!
4 Mar 2009 2:33am
good choice of composition, putting those rocks in the foreground. using slow shutter increased the drama, too. however, something is not straight in the picture. I can't point which particular line but looking at it makes me feel I want to tilt it to the left. I dunno.
4 Mar 2009 8:08am
@shoti: hello Shoti! i suspect here it's all a matter of what you take as your reference point... if it is the edge of the fall then you could say the frame needs tilting... if you reference off the branch across the fall, the trees and the actual water trajectory then it looks reasonably fine to me...
Very nicely done. Great composition, framing and detail.
4 Mar 2009 4:09pm
Nice pic!. Wonderful place.
Maybe there was some wind? looks like leafs have some move.
6 Mar 2009 8:13am
@Carlos: hello Carlos! yes there was a little bit of wind present but I am still pleased with the final result...
Lovely.. Anyone would be relaxed just by seeing at this photo
12 Mar 2009 5:24am
Bona composició i bona exposició!!! SALUT!!!
13 Mar 2009 8:19am
I like the depth of field and time exposed water flow in this image. Good shot!
20 Mar 2009 3:00pm
Awesome photo, absolutely awesome. Thanks for sharing.
6 Apr 2009 1:49pm
you have been getting around!! :)
9 Apr 2009 11:09pm
Stunning photograph, this place looks amazing.
15 Apr 2009 9:58am
What a beautiful place... very nice capture from you.
18 Aug 2010 9:41am