to break up the mountain vistas, here is another photo I took on the same day when walking up towards the places presented in the last few photos... it was not easy to take this shot as the constant sunlight peeking through the trees created rather harsh highlights - but overall I was pretty pleased with the results...
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An almost mystical interpretation
21 Oct 2010 9:03am
yes you should be pleased, a great result for your efforts...
21 Oct 2010 9:23am
Definitely an ethereal feel to this shot DarkElf! Almost as if it was an outtake from the Lord of the Rings! Well done! ;-)
21 Oct 2010 11:22am
What a gorgeous place! Lovely light and very nice colors. I love that green moss.
21 Oct 2010 1:53pm
I really like how the light falls on the moss and rocks on the right. Wonderful!
21 Oct 2010 4:07pm
Great choice for shutter speed to give this stream a beautiful flowing and silky feel. I love the mix of sun and shade as well.
21 Oct 2010 4:43pm
This is lovely and makes me twice as determined to get an nd filter.
21 Oct 2010 5:29pm
This is gorgeous! I love the silky flow of the water and the composition is spot on. Yes, you had a tricky lighting situation to deal with here. I wonder if you could burn in some of the color on the distant rocks with photoshop? Make a blank layer, change the blend mode to overlay, lower the opacity to about 20% and paint with a black brush. See what happens. Then you can switch to a white brush and open up the shadows on the rocks to the left. Worth a try!
21 Oct 2010 8:45pm
@Barbara Lee: some great suggestions Barbara - i will have a play with them on the weekend - thanks :-)
And "pretty pleased" you ought to be, DE... and then some - Wonderful shot! I sure can't detect even a hint of that dappled look from the peeking sun... perhaps that effect also gets smoothed out in the long-ish exposure? Very nice work, all the way around. Thanks so much for sharing!
21 Oct 2010 11:27pm
wow what a beautiful shot this is, perfect use of shutter speed, inspite of long shutter speed you have got the exposure right, especially the direct sun over those boulders.... Brilliant effort....
22 Oct 2010 5:00am
Me apasionan tus fotos,esta es genial,me gusta el efecto seda.Saludos.
22 Oct 2010 8:17pm
perfectly done, curious what is a cpl filter, you managed to keep the whole scene in tonal range from sunlight to shadow, be interested in knowing how you did that :) wonderful shot!
24 Oct 2010 4:17pm
@Martin A. Mora: hey Martin! cpl is just short for circular polariser - just not enough space for all the tag words to put in full... by using neutral density and polarising filters i was able to increase the exposure time to get this effect on the water without blowing the highlights completely... midday is not a great time for waterfall shots as the sunlight can be very harsh... but sometimes you get the photos when you can ;-)
WOW!!! Brilliant , are there some kind of gas or have you used some kind of edit program??
love it, so darn beautiful great pic:))))))))))
25 Oct 2010 9:20am
Gorgeous long exposure and perfect composition!
25 Oct 2010 1:50pm
wonderful work!....I love the silkiness of the water and the overall composition!
26 Oct 2010 7:38am
Nicely done, this water stream. And a beautiful composition!
26 Oct 2010 6:18pm
exquisite! love how the picture brings my eyes from top to bottom.
28 Oct 2010 8:41am
A very good composition with this so gorgeous silky path.
1 Nov 2010 4:38am
Wow - great shot! Love the framing on this one. Lovely ambient light and excellent long exposure!
2 Nov 2010 11:53am
Oh wath a beautifull place and the water effect is gourges! A very good job! Congratulation!
2 Nov 2010 10:19pm
A good choice for verticality.I love the "fluide" water which makes the shot so soft.
16 Nov 2010 12:01pm
just gorgeous Maciek -- gorgeous!!!
18 Nov 2010 1:17am
Wonderful sharpness in your long exposure pictures. Chapeau, as they say on my country.
18 Nov 2010 7:51am
I love this shot, good composition, excellent colors in the stream and in the background. Last week, I took some similar shots at Yosemite, will post one of those soon.
22 Nov 2010 5:49pm
muy buen efecto seda, y precioso lugar
25 Jun 2011 11:14am
The symmetry of the rocks make the photo. Very well done. Makes me wish I was there.
27 Jun 2011 9:48pm
Your pictures are gorgeous. This one has such a surreal feel. It's beautiful
20 Sep 2011 3:52am