The best sunset that we had during out trip to the Blue Mountains in Australia. In fact it was the only colourful sunset we got for a whole week and I was keen to make the most of it. A local photographer was kind enough to show me a couple of great spots and this was one of them, on the slopes of Mount Banks, overlooking the mountains and the valley.
It was a difficult shoot for a number of reasons. Firstly, clamp on the tripod head decided it was time to fall apart and for a moment I thought that it was the end of my session. Luckily with the help of my friend, I was able to put a contraption together using a different clamp and some rubber bands. It managed to withstand rather strong winds and allow me to take some photos.
Secondly, the dynamic range in the scene was way too much for my camera to handle. I used filters and shot multiple exposures to be blended together later in Photoshop. The challenges that this presented were: removing flare spots resulting from the use of filters and deciding which sections of trees to blend in as the wind was moving the trees and grasses about. You can see in this photos that some of the trees are blurred and I think that it was the best compromise for this scene.
All of this is part of photography and these challenges made the evening even more memorable for me. It was the kind of moment when I thought that Blue Mountains were giving me a small glimpse of their real beauty.
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