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Digital SLR Photography - June 2018

Posted by
Darkelf Photography (Perth, Australia) on 3 June 2018 in Miscellaneous.


Thanks to Digital SLR Photography (UK) for selecting me for a "portfolio" feature in the June 2018 issue of the magazine. It is very exciting to be featured and I cannot wait to get my hand on the physical copy. I could have never imagined when I first started taking photos that I would be able to see my work published in a photo magazine. I feel very happy and very humbled. This is also in no small part because of Am3 community that has helped me to progress in my photography since I joined back in 2007. A big 'thank you' to all of you for your continuous support and interest over the years :-)

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Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions about my photography, and I can also be found here:

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If you would prefer to follow me on your smart phone, my Instagram tag is: @darkelfphotography

© Darkelf Photography