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Between The Ferns

Posted by
Darkelf Photography (Perth, Australia) on 7 July 2018 in Lifestyle & Culture.


Hopetoun Falls in the Great Otway National Park in Victoria, Australia are a popular destination for visitors and photographers alike. Hidden in beautiful and lush rainforest they provide many compositional possibilities and they are also fantastic to take on their own if one is looking for a moment of escape from civilisation.

It was our first time earlier this year when we were able to explore this area. It took a couple of attempts on different days to come up with a photo that I was happy with. The first time we went, the flow was better but the winds were very strong and every single branch in the forest moved. Second time, the flow diminished somewhat but at least the branches were steady enough. Not all of them, you can still see some minor movement here and there. That was fine with me though.

This was probably one of the more advanced photos that I took in terms of planning, exposures and processing. I am not going to delve into too much dry technical detail but in case you are interested, I took three sets of three exposures at three different focus points. This enabled me to have great detail across the entire dynamic range and also to focus stack blended exposures to keep foreground and background sharp.

In terms of composition I found this view particularly appealing. I like how I was looking at the waterfall between the ferns trees, which framed it perfectly together and the foreground was completed by the fallen trees right in front of me. I was keen to try and find a different composition at this popular location and hopefully I managed to succeed.

In between all the planning and taking exposures, I made sure that I took the time just to take the whole scenery in. I love waterfalls and especially ones set in such a quiet and intimate setting where there is gorgeous tranquillity and soothing nature to their flow.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 10 second F/11.0 ISO 100 30 mm

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