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Time Does Not Exist Here

Posted by
Darkelf Photography (Perth, Australia) on 25 August 2018 in Landscape & Rural.


Visiting Lake Mungo in New South Wales was one of the highlights of our year so far. The lunar landscape of dry lake bed and the surrounding lunette did not disappoint even in cloudless weather conditions. The shapes, tones and detail that appeared all around us during the golden and blue hours of the day were magnificent.

This is another dune formation basking in the after sunset glow coming from the western skies. I especially liked the brown hues that were enhanced by the warm evening light. Sand in the foreground also took of a reddish tone, which made the landscape even more alien and surreal. The shapes in the foreground were very intriguing. They looked like tendrils rising up from the sand to support the fragile structure above them.

Rising moon behind the lunette was a great little bonus that provided an additional compositional element in the scene. It just gave a good focal point in otherwise uneventful sky. While a few clouds and a bit of colour in the sky would not have gone astray, their lack allowed me to concentrate solely on the fine detail of the dunes.

It is amazing what nature can produce over the many ages that our planet has experienced. In places like Lake Mungo, it can often feel like that time has stopped long long ago and being there felt like being a part of something very ancient and beautiful. It would be almost impossible to imagine that place filled with water and bursting with life thousands of years ago.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 4 seconds F/8.0 ISO 200 46 mm

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