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Cliffs and Waterfalls

Posted by
Darkelf Photography (Perth, Australia) on 14 July 2021 in Landscape & Rural and Portfolio.


Staying a little longer in the coastal village of Vidareidi on Vidoy in the Faroe Islands. This is a place that is just packed with amazing scenery no matter which way you look, weather permitting of course. Today's photo comes from almost the same spot as Disequilibrium but looking at the of the coastline to the south of the village. Malinsfjall mountain remained hidden under a thick blanket of clouds, however, we loved this unreal combination of rugged coast and waterfalls. It was one of the rare times that we experienced waterfalls flowing directly into the sea. There was a lot of rain in the preceding days and the flow was just right. I cannot imagine this place during a heavy deluge. The water must be cascading absolutely everywhere.

Rain relented a little at this moment and while the wind was still very strong, at least it was now blowing away from me at a slight angle towards the waterfall so I did not have to worry as much about water spray. I still had to be aware of any sudden gusts and stray waves. If you look closely, you could just make out water being blown backwards right at the top of the grassy field. This was actually spray form a stream and another waterfall hidden from view being kicked up by the wind travelling up these cliffs. Even though I felt safe where I was standing, one never knows what might happen in these conditions and even if they were a lot calmer there would still be a risk.

The rocks were surprisingly not that slippery (I had sturdy boots on) and I was able to get in nice and close to the waterfall to work with few different angles and compositions. If I have a chance, I try to take a number of photos with different shutter speeds as well, to judge later which one I prefer when it comes to water flow. Silky flow works on some occasions and for other scenes rougher, more frozen and detailed flow will work better. There is no golden rule though. With experience everyone can judge for themselves and in the end, the choice is entirely up to each photographer, as it is their vision that drives the final image. For this photo, I chose a shutter speed where the flow is smooth but still retains good structure. Also, I wanted to keep some texture in the sea visible in the frame and I did not want it to become washed out.

The weather was really perfect for the kind of moody photography that I have started to embrace in recent times. I mentioned previously about the abundance of amazing views around Vidareidi. It worked in my favour, as it allowed me to stay in a small area while being able to photograph many different compositions with varied elements (rocks, waves, cliffs, waterfalls). The best views were along the coast to the north and south and this is where I concentrated my efforts, while keeping the rain and wind at bay as much as possible. When I got back to the car, it took at least fifteen minutes of the heater going on full to come back to a body temperature that took me back from being a zombie to something resembling more of a human being. It was all worth it though!

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 8/5 seconds F/11.0 ISO 50 24 mm

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