I am staying in the autumn mood for today's photo. It comes from an area named Gjain in Iceland and I took it back in 2019. I go back fondly in my mind to that time and to some of the beautiful autumn scenes which we witnessed back then. I have already posted a couple of photos from this particular location. It is one of the most enchanting and fantasy like places which we visited. It is almost hidden from view, on the doorstop of the rugged Icelandic highlands and it is surrounded by lava fields, dark basalt rocks and barren landscape. Then as you get in closer, this beautiful oasis of lush nature just pops up and overwhelms you. In summer months it takes on the fairy green guise while in autumn, orange and golden tones take over to create a mosaic of colours and textures.
Previously posted photos were all taken at the stream level, down by the green mossy spot which can be seen in this image. This one shows the perspective from the entry point to the valley which is almost the highest vantage point around. The trail descends steeply from here and then meanders through the the lush surroundings, leading up the the streams and a number of waterfalls. It is not a large area but I could spend hours in there. Add the sound of the waterfalls to the amazing nature and it does not get too much better than that. At least in my mind.
What I loved about this view was the range of colours combined with the dark tones and textures of the basalt rocks and lava. The side we were standing on had more vegetation and the opposite side was darker, more rugged and rocky, which allowed for the autumn foliage to stand out. I know that this is a busy scene and I remember looking at it and thinking that there is just so much t see there, so much to take in. I think this is why I previously posted more intimate compositions focusing on specific parts of the valley. In the end, I could not resist posting this one because it still reminds me of that amazing initial impression as we walked out to the edge to peered down into this magical garden.
As the light was very uniform due to overcast conditions, the scene was originally quite flat. I worked with dodging and burning and tonal adjustments in post processing to enhance the feeling of depth and separation between various elements. I found that studying and focusing on different sections of the scene worked best for me to achieve the vision which I had in my mind before developing the image. It was a gradual process of building up a number of small adjustments and then unify them together in the final result.
There are many beautiful places and there are many magical moments which remain in our memories for a long time but there are some which just feel extra special. This location is very much like that for me. I enjoy returning to it in my mind and through the photos which I took there. I hope that this image allows you to share my impression of this wonderful place.
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